Festive Hazards Pet Owners Need To Be Aware Of.

Festive Hazards Pet Owners Need To Be Aware Of.


Festive Hazards Pet Owners Need To Be Aware Of. 

The cold winter months bring particular challenges for our pets, and as their owners, we need to be aware of the problems they can suffer at this time of year. Our Festive Hazards Pet Blog, takes a look at some of the commonest winter hazards including; string, tinsel and bones from your festive feast!




Outdoor pets

Don’t forget about smaller pets during the winter months, particularly those who live outside. Make sure your rabbits and guinea pigs have insulated hutches, plenty of bedding and they are still receiving their daily exercise. Water bottles – these can freeze overnight, try putting an old sock over the top of the bottle to prevent ice forming inside.



Xylitol, grapes and raisins,

The signs of pet poisoning can be vague so owners need to be vigilant when having these tasty festive treats in your home. Our Festive Hazards blog takes a look at some of the seasonal toxins that could be in your home.



We hope you enjoy reading our latest pet blog, Festive Hazards Pet Owners Need To Be Aware Of. If you have a query on any of the articles mentioned please do not hesitate to contact our friendly team for more advice.


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