Tag Archives: vet

Autumn has arrived – are you and your pet prepared

Autumn has arrived – are you and your pet prepared


Autumn has arrived – are you and your pet prepared

from fermenting fruit to antifreeze, are you aware of the toxins that could be lurking in your home at this time of year? Our Autumn News has some great advice on what to watch out for during the changing seasons and when symptoms could indicate a pet emergency. Read our Autumn News here.



Fleas & ticks

love the warm weather, and in addition to your home, they thrive outside in parks and gardens. Our Autumn News explains the signs to watch out for and how to prevent them coming home with your pet.




Firework Fright!

Whilst so much has changed over the past few months following Covid – 19, it is likely that fireworks will continue to plague the lives of many pets. With this in mind, our Autumn News gives some great advice on how to help keep your pet calm and safe at this time of year.



We hope you have enjoyed reading our Autumn News 2020, if you have a query on any of the articles mentioned do not hesitate to contact our friendly team for more advice.





Our Spring Newsletter has arrived, read it here first.

Our Spring Newsletter has arrived, read it here first.


Rabbiting on!

Our Spring Newsletter discusses how to keep your rabbit fit and healthy this Spring 2020. From diet to keeping it social, rabbits are the third most popular pet in the UK and just like a cat or dog require a large amount of time and care, including vaccinations and neutering to keep them healthy.


Can You Pinch An Inch?


Carrying excess weight can cause a range of health problems for your pet, our Spring Newsletter offers advice on how to body condition score your pets from home and some top tips on how to help your pets loose the pounds. Don’t forget all four of our West London surgeries offer FREE weight checks for your pet – Just pop in!

Now is the perfect time to assess your pet's weight!

The Life Cycle Of A Tick


The main issue with ticks is that they can carry diseases in their saliva which they can potentially transmit to us and our pets. Our Spring Newsletter explains the life cycle of the tick, how to protect your pet and should you find a tick – how to remove it safely from your pet.


Our Spring Newsletter has arrived, read it here first.

We hope you enjoy reading our Spring 2020 Newsletter – If you have any questions or concerns about the articles mentioned please do not hesitate to contact our friendly team for more information.



We are passionate about pets and have been providing a caring service to our clients and their pets for over 50 years, at our West London surgeries. Most of our staff our pet owners, and most certainly pet lovers. We love meeting all shapes and sizes of pets. Every pet we see is unique,  and we understand that owners always know their pets best, and so we will listen closely to any worries you may have about your pets.


On Snowy Days

On Snowy Days


On Snowy Days remember to check your pets paws after walks and give them a wipe down. If you have been walking on gritted pavements a quick paw wash and towel dry can help stop sore irritated pads and paws. Our Winter News explains the things pet owners need to be aware of during the cold periods.



Ear Ear! Watch out for ear disease!

In order to effectively treat ear conditions it is important to identify the underlying cause. Our Winter Newsletter explains the different types of ear problems and the signs to watch out for. The longer an ear problem is left, the harder they are to manage effectively. If you have concerns about your pets ears, please contact our team and arrange an appointment for your pet.


Puppy and Dog care

Pets ears come in all shapes and sizes.


Sore joints

Pets with joint problems often start to struggle in the cold weather. Our Winter News explains the signs to watch out for in your pet. Many older pets could benefit from a joint supplement and a change in exercise routine, contact our experienced team if your pet is showing signs of slowing down.


We hope you enjoy reading On Snowy Days – If you have any questions on the articles mentioned please don’t hesitate to contact our friendly team for further help and advice.

The Loss Of A Pet


The Loss Of A Pet

Nothing can prepare you for the loss of a pet, through death or enforced separation, grieving is a sad and difficult experience for any pet owner. We’ve put together this blog with the help of PetSavers to help you come to terms with the loss of your pet.


The pets in our lives are treated the same as a family member and they are very special to us. There are many different ways that animals contribute to our lives. Pets can bring us immeasurable rewards in the form of companionship, protection, relaxation, exercise… to name but a few. When grieving for your pet remember all the good times that you have been through together and focus on these.

Picture credits Flickr


Euthanasia … the biggest decision a pet owner will make

We are responsible for the animal during its lifetime, and we are also responsible during the time of illness and death. It is natural to feel guilty when considering euthanasia. Sometimes we may feel angry that the animal cannot be saved and often think… ‘If only I had done… things could have been different’. It is important to discuss your concerns with our experienced team, who will be able to advise and guide you. This should re-assure you that the decision you have made, whatever the reason for euthanasia, has been the most appropriate one.


Pets are considered to be a big part of our family and an integral part of our lives and we may mourn at their death as if we have lost a human friend or member of the family. The depth of emotion felt is often unexpected, but when you consider the friendship that may have been lost, the feelings of grief are not surprising. Each of us experiences the grieving process in a unique way. Often the first reaction is disbelief. It may be hard to accept that our animal is no longer with us. The house feels so empty and it is difficult to come to terms with the fact that your pet will not be coming back. The feelings of loss may be particularly deep if you have depended on your pet for emotional support. You may feel very sad and low for a while. Sometimes the loneliness is magnified by a lack of understanding from others. Some people may lose confidence and feel anxious about other animals that are in their care. It helps to share your feelings with a friend, a member of the veterinary staff or someone else who has had a similar experience. The PetSavers charity also offer a Pet Bereavement Support Service: 0800 0966606, their experienced team offer a sympathetic ear for recently bereaved pet owners.


Picture credits – Pintrest


It is helpful to realise that your reaction to losing your pet is a normal response and these emotions can be considered a tribute to what your pet has meant to you.


Moving on …

After a while you will feel more able to direct your energies towards the future. Some people will soon want to fill the gap left by the loss of their pet. Other people may not be ready to get another animal for some time and may feel as if they are betraying their deceased pet by investing time and love in another one. Only you will be able to decide when you are ready to introduce a new animal into your household. We should understand that a new animal does not replace the pet that has been lost but brings into the home a new presence that fills the emptiness. If you do not feel ready to bring a new pet home, why not visit a local animal shelter and offer a few hours of your time helping to care for animals that are under their care and need a walk or extra cuddle.

Helping your child understand

Losing a family pet may be one of the first deaths we experience as children. Children should be told the truth about their pet, and from someone they know. The death of the pet should be explained in honest, simple language that they will fully understand. If possible the child should be warned if their pet is terminally ill or if euthanasia is going to be performed so that they can ask questions, prepare themselves for the loss and say their farewells. If your child wishes to be present at the time of euthanasia or to see the pet’s body afterwards, then please discuss this with your vet who will be able to offer advice. It is important to allow time for discussion at this very sensitive time; be prepared to show your feelings and talk about the animal’s death. Children may want to make some mark of remembrance to their dead pet. If burial of the body is not possible they may want to bury a momento, such as their pets toy or lead, in a favourite spot and plant some bulbs or flowers. Some children may want to draw pictures or write poems. This will help them grieve and come to terms with the loss. Children who can grieve and then let go of their grief will be better prepared for future losses in their life.

PetSavers logo



This blog has been written and supplied by PetSavers, this charity that raises funds for studies into the prevention, treatment and/or cure of illnesses and conditions affecting our pets, so that they can enjoy longer, fuller and healthier lives. You can help to support the charity by visiting www.petsavers.org.uk they also offer an e-newsletter to keep you updated with their latest news. If you, or someone you know is struggling to cope with their loss please offer them the PetSavers Pet Bereavement Service: 0800 0966606.

Welcoming a new puppy or kitten into your family

Welcoming a new puppy or kitten into your family

is a super exciting time. Our Summer Newsletter will provide you with some great advice on how to give your new family member the healthiest start to life in her new home with you. From vaccinations to parasite protection – its all included. Read it HERE.


Getting off to the best start.



are thriving right now, especially on wildlife. If your cat is a hunter or your dog enjoys chasing rabbits, they are sure to come into contact with these little biters! Our Summer News explains all about the other pesky parasites to watch out for on your pet and in your home.


Fleas are thriving right now, especially on wildlife.


Sunburn and pets

Thinly haired or white coated pets are at risk of sunburn, especially if they are dedicated sun worshippers! Our Summer News explains some of the summer hazards to be aware of and how to protect your pet. If you have any concerns about your pet during the heat of the summer, please don’t hesitate to contact our friendly team for further advice.


Handling the heat – a summer survival guide!

We hope you enjoy reading our Summer Newsletter. If you have any concerns about your pet or the articles mentioned, please do not hesitate to contact our friendly team for further advice.

Troublesome ticks and tick borne disease


Our Autumn Newsletter has arrived – We hope you enjoy reading it.

    Below is a snippet of just some of the articles included to help keep your pet happy and healthy in the lead up to winter 2018.


A picture of a Tick.


Troublesome ticks and Tick borne disease

Ticks love the autumn weather! They can cause all sorts of problems in pets and even spread Lyme disease to people. No tick product is 100% effective, so we recommend checking your dog all over following each walk particularly if you have walked in wooded areas or long grass.

To understand more about ticks and the trouble they cause click here.


Fireworks can cause your pet to be extremely anxious.


Firework Alert! 

Fireworks night is fast approaching, so it is time to prepare your pets – the earlier the better! Our Autumn News has some top tips on what to do in the run up to the main event and how to keep your pet safe whilst the fireworks are going off.


Bee and wasp stings can be extremely painful for your pet.


Wasps and bees

are coming to the end of their summer lives and are often pretty slow, which makes they prime targets for playful dogs and cats. They may be slow but they can still sting! Our 10 minute read explains the other Autumn alerts to watch out for with your pets.


We hope you enjoy reading our Autumn Newsletter. If you have any queries on any of the articles mentioned, don’t hesitate to contact our friendly team for more advice.

Don’t forget if you want more free pet health top tips give us a ‘Like’ on Facebook and a follow us on Twitter . Subscribe for free to our You Tube channel it’s crammed with 2 minute pet health videos for you to watch.


What to do if your pet goes missing.


What to do if your pet goes missing.


  Did you know

It is a legal requirement for all dogs over the age of 8 weeks old to be micro-chipped. Here at Young Vets we always recommend micro-chipping your cat too, as it is the most reliable form of identification and cannot be lost unlike a collar or harness. Should your dog disappear whilst out on a walk or your cat hasn’t turned up at breakfast time, firstly don’t panic, have a read through our vets advice below. Hopefully you will never need it but its good to know.


Missing cats.

The first thing to do if your cat is missing is triple check your home. Cats are extremely good at hide and seek so make sure you search all areas, If you are sure your feline is not at home we recommend knocking on your neighbours doors and posting flyers in letterboxes. Curious cats often get shut in garages and sheds by accident so ask around where you live.


Missing dogs.

If your dog has left the park without you or sneaked out of your front door, walk an extra lap of the park, or around the area where you live calling their name and rustling a treat packet. If you have a usual ‘toilet spot’ area check there. If you are at the park use your mobile to call home, your dog may of taken himself home and be waiting on the doorstep.


Remember do not panic. Contact all local vets, dog wardens and animal charities in the area. They will ask you for additional including:

A description of your pet – colour, sex, breed, age.

Their microchip number.

What area they are all missing from.

Your contact information. 


Contact your pets microchip company.

Inform them of your missing pet and ensure they have your up to date contact details – You may even want to do this today so should the event ever happen, you pet will be reunited quicker if your details are correct.


Pet Insurance.

Your insurance company may be able to help you with the search of your pet. The small print of your policy may also require the company to be notified of lost pets in-case it results in a claim.


Social media.

Like it or hate it – In the event of a missing pet the power of social media can be very handy. In a matter of hours hundreds of people can be aware of your missing pet and help spread the word.


Social media can be a useful tool when you’ve lost a pet.


Everyone loves a selfie! Take lots of pictures of your pet so in the event of an emergency you have recent pictures to use on a missing poster or social media post.


Neutering your pet.

This can reduce your cats need to stray too far from home and will minimise your cat wanting to fight with others. Castrating your male dog will reduce testosterone levels and a need to mate. In females, neutering can reduce unwanted male dog attention which can panic your dog causing them to bolt.


Some Top Tips :

If your dog or puppy has unreliable recall – work with a dog trainer to improve this but if you have to let your dog off lead for exercise ensure they are in an enclosed area. Attach a long line to their harness, this will make catching them a lot easier.

Top Vet Tip : When practicing recall no matter how long it takes, when your dog comes back to you make a big fuss and give them a treat. If you tell them off they are even less likely to come back next time!


Microchip your pet and ensure that your details are up to date.


When letting your cat or kitten out either for the first time or if you move house, try to keep them in for around 2 weeks.  Following this period they should be feel settled and understand where home is. When you let them out, do it when you are not in a rush and before you feed them so they are hungry so they are less likely to stray.

If your pet isn’t yet micro-chipped, don’t delay, contact one of our 4 West London surgeries to arrange this for your pet. Microchips can be implanted in a routine consultation with one of our experienced veterinary surgeons.